+919329470094 IMB.INDIA1111@gmail.com

INternational Design Academy

Director’s Word

Mrs. Batul Ali

A strengthening, successful journey, inspired by the love, acceptance and support of well-wishers and the design fraternity of India. Based in JABALPUR, a city that is a catalyst for the study of all aspects & fields of Design, THE IDA is built to create truly design adept professionals, within an encouraging, supportive and nurturing environment.

Great education in design and art made possible through the fusion of environment and the ethos and contributions of a dedicated, innovative, energetic, empathetic and experienced academic community; working hand in hand with responsive students keen on questions, exploration & discovery.

Laying a foundation of education through an interdisciplinary and interactive learning process the INTERNATIONAL DESIGN ACADEMY integrates and unifies contextual values and contents of local knowledge systems within emerging modern concepts. INTERNATIONAL DESIGN ACADEMY further seeks to instil entrepreneurial and collaborative skills in its students.


INTERNATIONAL DESIGN ACADEMY vision is to professionally educate and train young and upcoming fashion designers and interior designers with outstanding ability and world category capability, each of our Diploma/Certificates and credential levels, who will become innovators, leaders each within the technology and business within the trade and profession.


Develop professionals in designing products and manufacturing systems that are functional, aesthetic, usable and sustainable; create leaders who can strengthen existing practice and develop new practice in the areas of design;develop a systems that can significantly impact the society; develop knowledge, including methods and tools, to inform and empower practice and education of design industry

Jabalpur Campus

Phone – 9329470094

Address – INTERNATIONAL DESIGN ACADEMY beside Shiv temple Kachnar city Vijaynagar, Jabalpur

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