+919329470094 IMB.INDIA1111@gmail.com


Director’s Word

Mrs Saida Vanak

“The International Design Academy (IDA) is a unique Academy as it focuses on the Design, Creativity, Research and design development, design intervention, marketing intervention of all sorts of Creative Arts. We at IDA are committed to impart Design Education to create design professionals of excellence to help meet India’s diverse design needs.

Our pledge is to provide all-round development of a student in industrial, scientific, innovation, academic and entrepreneurship activities within the country and abroad. This will definitely create globally competent graduates having creative skills and ethical values.


We aspire to lead the field in design education and Creativity, to prepare innovatively, environmentally and socially-responsible citizens who positively impact the world. We focus to become a premium campus in the activities related to Arts, Creativity and Design.


*To impart quality education to achieve excellence in Design, Creativity, learning and research.

*To provide a scholarly and professional environment that enables faculty, students and staff to make lasting contributions to the advancement of

*To undertake collaborative projects with academia and industries.

*To create an environment conducive to creativity, innovation, team-sprit and
entrepreneurial leadership.

*To facilitate effective interactions of students, faculty and management with industry personnel, alumni, academicians of premiere Institutions and other
stake holders.

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