+919329470094 IMB.INDIA1111@gmail.com

International Design Academy

Director’s Word

Mrs. Soniya Khatri

This creative partnership will provide new prospects, international exposure and broader reach to the students where together we can provide an inspired future internationally with student exchange pro-gramme and mobility programme with unlimited job opportunities across the globe. Combining IMB’s wealth of knowledge and experience of the last 60 years in designing field and IMB’s industry exposure & quality education sets up the platform for IDA- INTERNATIONAL DESIGN ACADEMY (NAGPUR) that believes in nurturing creativity and invoking professionalism to enter this encouraging collaboration and take design education to the next level.

Vision & Mission

This creative partnership will provide new prospects, international exposure and broader reach to the students where together we can provide an inspired future internationally with student exchange pro-gramme and mobility programme with unlimited job opportunities across the globe.

Combining IMB’s wealth of knowledge and experience of the last 6 years in designing field and IMB’s industry exposure & quality education sets up the platform for L Instituto Of Fashion Tecnologia that believes in nurturing creativity and invoking professionalism to enter this encouraging collaboration and take design education to the next level.

IDA along with IMB welcomes Ms Nisha Lokhande on board and wish them all the success ahead.

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